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You can access the Expert Advisor settings at any time to make changes to your settings when the EA is running. Simply right click on the chart and you will see Expert Advisors and select Properties.


Remember, each chart has separate settings. Changing one of the parameters on the 1H chart will not affect the settings of the 15M chart.

Athena inputs

ReceiptEnter your license key here.
StopLossNumber of points for the stop loss
TakeProfitNumber of points for the take profit
DDTPeriodInternal proprietary indicator value, use the provided SET file for the timeframe
DDTFactorInternal proprietary indicator value, use the provided SET file for the timeframe
IncreaseLotAfterLossif true, Athena will increase after each loss on that chart - otherwise it will continue using the lot size provided in the LotSize setting
LotIncreaseFactorFactor used to calculate the next lot size after a previous loss on that chart (2 = double lot size after loss)
MaxLotSizeThe maximum lot size Athena will trade on that chart (increase due to LotIncreaseFactor after loss)
LotSizeStarting lot size per trade
MagicNumberMust be different for each chart
HourStartTradingStarting hour to begin looking for trades
HourStopTradingLatest time a trade can open
A word on MaxLotSize

Once a chart (1H, 30M, 15M) reaches the MaxLotSize, it will continue trading with the MaxLotSize until it closes a position in profit.

Therefore it is the expected behavior to continue with the same lot size, if they are consecutive losses and hit the MaxLotSize.

How to calculate HourStartTrading and HourStopTrading​

Athena works in the following trading hours: 9am CET – 8pm CET. This coincides with the start of the DAX open in Frankfurt Germany. All trades will happen during this time.

Each broker uses a different time internally and we must enter the adjusted times for the HourStartTrading and HourStopTrading.

Identify your broker's server time​

MetaTrader platforms (MT4 and MT5) run on servers managed by brokers, and the server's time zone is determined by the broker's settings. This server time can be different from your local time zone because brokers are based in different parts of the world.

To identify your broker's time zone, follow the steps below:

  • Make sure you are logged in to your trading account before continuing!

  • The server time will not be updated if markets are closed (Friday afternoon - Sunday afternoon)! Please wait for markets to re-open before continuing.

  1. Open MetaTrader and check the Market Watch window to see the current broker's server time:

    MT4 Market Watch time

  2. Next, update the time below to match your Market Watch time using the + and - buttons below

Select your Market Watch time


HourStartTrade: 10

HourStopTrade: 21

How to calculate the LotSize​

The lot size setting depends on the contract size of the underlying index. Each broker may use different contract sizes for the individual indexes.

You must first identify the contract size of your broker and symbol. To do so, please follow the contract size guide to determine your specific contract size!


The contract size must be either 1, 10 or 25!

Settings for balance of $5,000

ProfileStarting lot sizeMax lot size