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Attach Athena

Close existing charts​

By default, MetaTrader will have 4 charts already opened. We can close these charts, as we will be preparing our own set of charts. (click the X on each window)

Close existing charts

Prepare charts​

1. Open chart​

  • Locate the "Market Watch" panel inside MT4

    Market watch panel

  • Find the correct symbol, identified in the previous step in the list of available symbols


    You must check and know your specific contract size! Otherwise your risk settings will be incorrect and you may risk too much per trade!

    How to identify my contract size

    Market watch panel with DAXEUR index


    If you can not locate a symbol, right click inside the "Market Watch" panel and select "Show all".

    Market watch panel show all

  • Now right click on the symbol and select "Chart Window"

    Market watch panel chart window

  • A new chart will appear for the DAXEUR. index

  • Repeat this two more times, so we end up with 3 charts for the DAXEUR. index

    DAX chart 3 times

2. Change chart timeframe​

  • To change the chart timeframe, simply use the buttons on the top of the MT5 toolbar

    MT4 change chart timeframe

  • Change the timeframe for each chart (click onto the chart to highlight it and then select the desired timeframe)

    • Set 1 chart to the 1H timeframe
    • Set 1 chart to the 30M timeframe
    • Set 1 chart to the 15M timeframe

    MT4 3 charts with adjusted timeframes

3. Re-arrange windows​

To make the next steps easier, we should re-arrange the individual charts:

  • In the toolbar at the top of the MetaTrader 5 window, click on the following button

    Rearrange windows

  • You should now see the windows taking up equal space next to each other

    Rearranged windows

4. Attach AthenaBot to each chart​


The following steps (4-6) need to be repeated for the other 2 charts (30M and 15M timeframe)! Each chart uses slightly different settings, so please pay attention.


Before continuing, make sure "Algo Trading" is disabled! This will prevent any trades being placed during the setup.

AutoTrading disabled

  • Start by selecting the 1H chart (left click the chart to highlight) then navigate to the "Expert Advisors" section in the "Navigator" panel and right click on AthenaBot

    Attach EA to chart

  • Then select "Attach to Chart" and a new dialog should appear

    Athena attach to chart dialog

5. Update Common settings​

  • In the "AthenaBot 1.3" dialog, navigate to the "Common" tab

    Athena common tab

  • Now enable the "Allow Algo Trading" checkbox

    Allow live trading checkbox

6. Update Inputs settings​

  • In the "AthenaBot 1.3" dialog, navigate to the "Inputs" tab

    Athena inputs tab

  • Click on the Load button on the right hand side of the dialog

    Athena load setfile

  • Now select the appropriate SET file from the provided download (in this example 1H.set, because we are setting up the 1H chart)

    • 1H chart timeframe = 1H.set file
    • 30M chart timeframe = 30M.set file
    • 15M chart timeframe = 15M.set file

    Athena select setfile

  • This will now load the appropriate settings into your Inputs tab. You will now need to enter your license key (Receipt), LotSize, MaxLotSize, HourStartTrade and HourStopTrade values

7. Confirm settings​

  • If you have updated your settings, click "OK" to attach the AthenaBot to the DAXEUR. 1H chart

    Athena added to chart

  • If done correctly, you should now see AthenaBot 🎓 in the upper right hand corner of the DAXEUR. 1H chart.


Now repeat this process for the remaining 30M & 15M charts! Make sure you load the appropriate SET files for each timeframe!

  • 1H chart = 1H.set file
  • 30M chart = 30M.set file
  • 15M chart = 15M.set file

Setup completed​

If you have successfully set up all 3 charts, your MetaTrader 5 window will look something like this:

MT4 Athena sad

Once the setup is competed and all 3 charts are set up with the AthenaBot enabled, you can finally click on the Algo Trading button to start trading!

Enable Algo Trading

You should now see the 🎓 turn blue.

MT4 Athena happy